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Saturday, March 10, 2012

New Sketches

I did several sketches based on pictures I found online. I have been very into drawing human figures  since the beginning of my art journey. I devoted a lot of time drawing faces and now I concentrate more on the gestures. Practice makes perfect!

I spent half an hour on this sketch and did a rough planning for the model's body proportion before I did the actual drawing.

This one is a very quick sketch without any preparation. It took me about 15 minutes.

This is also a quick sketch. I didn't use the eraser, and it took me about 15-20 minutes.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Fay the Mona Lisa II

I was chatting with my parents on Skype one day and they randomly said that I looked like Mona Lisa (I don't even know why they have such wild imagination...... My parents are always funny and wise at the same time :D ) .

So, after talking with my parents, I wrapped a scarf around my shoulders and took a picture imitating Mona Lisa. It was just one example of the tons of crazy things I do in private, and I'm SO proud of myself. Ha ha!

Hope it brings you a smile!