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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Scholastic Art Award

   My sculpture, Behind the Mask, got a Certificate Award in Scholastic Art Competition last week!

   Unfortunately, "Mom, it hurts!" did not get any award but it is now on display in Kingswood building hall way.

    I have been disappointed for several times in the Scholastic for the past two years. However, I understand that judges have different standards. My sculpture teacher, Gary, explained to me that the reason my sculptures don't do well in art competition is probably that they are too delicate and the judges just don't want to send them elsewhere for higher level competitions because they might be damaged in the transportation process.

    Winning award is never my purpose of making sculptures. I make sculptures for fun, and for an outlet to express my thoughts and to send positive messages to the world. Like many other things, awards and compliments are merely by-products of the hard work. For me, inner fulfillment is the most important thing, and I will continue to create more art work as I have deeper understanding of the world around me.

   By the way, I am presenting in our school's World Affair Seminar in February and this year's topic is Cultural Talk. Shirley (my partner) and I just made our poster last weekend and Behind the Mask fits perfectly with our theme.

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