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Saturday, July 28, 2012

G.R. N'Namdi Gallery Internship

This is my last day working in the G.R. N'Namdi Gallery. I still remember the cold Christmas morning when I walked into the gallery with resume and portfolio in hand; I had been turned down by so many galleries just because I was a high school student. I was expecting another careless "just put your resume there and we will get back to you later".

However, I received a big smile and a warm hand from Isra, the gallery assistant, and ended up talking with an African American photographer on the cultural roots of minority art for more than an hour. "We will strongly recommend you to our director." Isra told me before I left.

Winter in Chicago was freezing cold, but this little hope was enough to warm up my heart.

Then it was the actual interview in April. Leather jacket, high heels, resume in hand, I was ready to go. The interview went smoothly and I got the acceptance letter after the weekend.

Now I've been working here for six weeks. Due to the grand opening of the new location in Miami, everything here in Chicago was a little slow. Nice pace for a relaxing summer job though :D

It was challenging but exciting to write the business report for the gallery website renovation; reorganizing the inventory gave me the chance to familiarize with different artists' work, and it was a lot of heavy labor. Working with the other interns on the upcoming show in the past several days was the best! It was so much fun organizing our own show from screwing nails to arranging the artworks.

May the warm and lively theme of this exhibition prolong the vibrant beauty of Chicago's summer!

Summer in Chicago was so much fun! I enjoyed cheering with the crowd in the colorful Pride Parade, being the only Asian among thousands of African Americans in the Gospel Music Festival, cooking for myself everyday like a professional housewife, having hot pot with some Chinese students from UChicago, crawling on the glass floor on top of the Willis Tower, seeing beautiful jellies with Kara in the Aquarium......

Good bye Chicago, good bye America, see you in the fall!

Homemade rice cake soup!

First day of work!

Group picture of all the interns. Love you, guys!!

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